Thursday, May 19, 2022

No Idle Tale (Easter Sermon 4 April 2022)

Alleluia, Christ is Risen! Hallelujah, we are here! We are here, together, on this bright, beautiful Easter morning. We are here with flowers and brass and the choir. We are here seeing one another’s faces. We are here, knowing that Easter joy is bouncing across wifi networks to beloved in Christ, far and near. We are here, offshoots on that great sprawling vine that is the body of the resurrected Christ, all over the world, ALIVE!


This Easter, we are here maybe even daring to believe that resurrection really is more than whistling in the dark. Resurrection really is more than a momentary escape from that unrelenting news feed. Resurrection really is more than a story we tell ourselves so that we can keep on keeping on. Resurrection really is more than just “an idle tale”.


Luke alone, of the four Gospel writers who describe the events of that long-ago morning, the first day of the week following Jesus' crucifixion, is the one blunt enough to use that term...(read more)

Idle: Not by Susan Springer Anderson

Acrylic on paper, 8"x10"


For the last several years, the Parish of St. Matthew has had the privilege of featuring the work of Susan Springer Anderson, artist, teacher, mother, business owner, and member of the Parish, on our seasonal bulletin covers. Her Eastertide design was titled in response to this sermon.