Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Faith in Transitions (Sermon preached 11 June 2023)

About that story we all just heard in the reading from Genesis, where God tells Abram to leave country and kindred and go to a land that God is going to show him? Well, I have a question.

I know, I know, it’s a REALLY important story. It is the opening scene in the epic saga out of which the three great Abrahamic faiths will emerge. For Jews, Abram is the one with whom God initiates a unique relationship with Israel. For Muslims, Abram is the one who originates the chain of prophets that culminates in Mohammed. And for us Christians, Abram is the icon of faith who shows us what trusting God looks like.


Given all that, I’m kind of embarrassed to admit that it’s taken me this long to wonder about the other key person in this story. The one who is mentioned only in passing, but who God, in effect, also summons to leave country and kindred and go. I’m talking about Abram’s wife, I’m talking about Sarai. And my question is, what about her call? What about her faith? (read more)