Wednesday, November 17, 2021

The Minority Report (Sermon preached 31 October 2021)

This morning’s first lesson comes from a little book that is easy to miss; tucked, as it is, between two much longer historical narratives, Judges and First Samuel, in the Old Testament. The book of Ruth is like the anecdote you find in a footnote. That bit of backstory having to do with a character who will later become central: in this case, that character is David, Israel’s greatest king.


Still, the fact that this small domestic tale about a mother-in-law and her daughter-in-law gets preserved at all, is kind of remarkable. Some say that the wise ones who ultimately determined what would be included in the Jewish canon of Scripture - some say they held on to this sweet story to preserve a minority opinion. A dissenting voice that was raised sometime during the fifth century BCE. After the Israelites who had been carried off into captivity in Babylon had come home to Jerusalem. After they had decided that any foreign wives picked up along the way should go back to where they came from.


Ruth was a needed reminder that their tribal God was also an inclusive God. So inclusive that the daughter of an enemy people, who worshiped a different one, a different god, that is, could wind up in their royal family tree...(read more)

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